Performance Starts in the Lab

Design your validation lab to adapt to the ever-increasing demands of the IC industry. By incorporating NI’s high-performance tools, you can reduce cost of test and time to market despite changing requirements.

Effortless Digital Interface Compliance Testing

Watch a one-hour webinar to explore NI’s protocol validation solution using ATE-class high-performance PXI digital instrumentation and oscilloscopes.

Please fill out the form to download the solution brief.

Efficient Low-Power Validation Webinar

Managing the balance between performance and longevity is a crucial task in the validation lab. Learn how to find the right instrument and software for low-power validation and get to market faster.

Semiconductor Lab Validation Tools

Build the foundation for your modern lab. Browse chassis, accessories, instruments, and test management software to accelerate RF and mixed-signal IC validation.

> Discover more validation lab innovations

InstrumentStudio Software

Simplify quick, interactive measurements with this integrated environment for instrument configuration.

Semiconductor Device Control Add-On

Quickly scale to automated validation with the interactive device control capabilities of the InstrumentStudio™ add-on.

LDO Measurement Suite

Validate low dropout (LDO) linear regulator parameters using the interactive measurement panels in InstrumentStudio software and PXI hardware.

Protocol Validation Software

Easily perform compliance test with turnkey protocol validation software for MIPI I3C, I2C, MIPI SPMI, SPI, and MIPI RFFE target devices

Digital Instruments

Generate and acquire high-speed digital waveforms for transmitting data, communicating with devices under test, or testing digital interfaces.

Source Measure Units

Characterize semiconductor ICs with high-precision, high-accuracy DC instruments that can simultaneously source and measure voltage and current.